Thursday, September 18, 2008


Ok, so I'm a researcher plain and simple and the internet is my best friend.....sorry, Samtastic (and no that's not your fictitious name, can't think of anything more clever right now)

I set up this blog and then started looking around at other blogs that I'd heard about: or this one is my personal favorite and now I'm thinking how can I measure up against such creativity?

I just like to write, my daughter is the creative one in our family, other than making sock monkeys and an occasional crocheted blanket, I don't have a creative bone in my body (and listen, Perfect is two and his blanket has yet to be finished, let alone starting on 5 month old Precious' blanket!)

So bottom line, Gentle Reader (I stole that one from Stephen King), is you are probably just gonna get words on this blog. At least for now....I do like to take pictures but combining all my interests in this one blog THAT I'M JUST WRITING FOR MYSELF is a might much even for me. But I'm a work in progress and I'm a woman so can change my mind at the drop of a hat!

A work in progress albeit slow progress. I feel like I'm just spending all this time setting up my "ground rules" for blogging versus actually writing anything meaningful. I always have so much rattling around in my head that I need to say that sometimes I think I should be carrying around one of my little tape recorders that I used in college to record things/topics to write about so I don't forget. But I usually do forget or what seemed like something I wanted to explore more in the morning, doesn't do anything for me this afternoon. Case in point, sitting in a long, boring morning meeting today, I kept writing things in the margin of my handout and now when I look at those words at 4 p.m., can't quite figure out why talking about those subjects were so important to me at 8a.m.!!

Good Lord, do I have the attention span of an ant? And whamo.....did I find the actual length of an ant's attention span when I popped out to research this question....NO, I found another creative blog: to overwhelm me further and everything you might want to know about an ant: and they only live for 90 days so their attention spans can't be more than a day? I hope this blog lasts longer than an ant!

So on the Grammy Talks side of things...yesterday was Wednesday and EVERY Wednesday I have Perfect and Precious for several hours. Between Darling Daughter and the SIL and ME, the P's don't have to attend a daycare or go to a babysitter. The three of us have all worked our work hours around being able to avoid that childcare dilemma which is just splendid in my opinion. Darling Daughter and Fantastic Son both had to attend daycares while I worked when they were growing up (from very young ages) and while their facilities were nice and all and I had no problems with them, I would have preferred being home OR having a family member take care of them but that's all beside the point.

I get P&P EVERY Wednesday which is always something I look forward to. They were both in wonderful moods last night which was enjoyable and Perfect's vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds every day. Now he repeats every thing I say and cocks his head over like he's trying to understand what comes out of my mouth as he repeats my words. I just don't remember little things like this while DD and FS were growing up. Maybe that's why they say you enjoy being a grandparent more than a parent because you actually do enjoy the littlest things.

And as he running around the house screaming NO after his bath when I asked if he wanted to brush his teeth, it didn't stress me out in the least. With my kids, I would have chased them down and insisted on clean teeth and sweet breath and there would have been alot of yelling and tears in the end but I would have won. But it's not about winning the fights when you are a grandparent......I just passed that info on to SIL when he came to retrieve P&P, let him be the bad guy, this Grammy will cause no tears to be shed over unclean teeth! I would prefer running through the house screaming NO with him.

Stay tuned...

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