Sunday, February 21, 2010


Plain and simple--Overcome By Events! Sitting at Massey Gardens, yes we are back over here. Somewhat. We have beds, tvs and DISH satellite set up. Bathrooms and kitchen are coming along but the weather is really impeding our progress.

First, it snowed and snowed and snowed and we couldn't get up the road to Massey Ponds and now that the snow is pretty much gone, it's raining and the road is quite muddy. We did make it up yesterday for one truckload and one carload but that's all the progress this weekend. Oh well, we're not in a hurry and we are comfortable out here now and not trapped in one bedroom while trying to rehab the other house. That was all pretty miserable.

I've decided to do alot of deep cleaning over here as we move back and I'm getting ready to paint the front room of the back bathroom next weekend. We've had some roofwork and carpet cleaners in here to give the carpet a thorough cleaning after our "renters" left. Good riddance to that nightmare and I may write more of that story as time goes on but for now, just moving on.

We are getting ready for our big once-in-a-lifetime cruise to the Western Caribbean. We'll be there two weeks from today. Will be a whirlwind I'm sure.

I'm suffering another addiction which is contributing to my lack of writing. I've decided I enjoy reading more and from the looks of my blogroll, you'll see I have a ton more blogs that I'm enjoying. Having a hard time just trying to keep up with all that reading, let alone getting my blog written. But think I'm gonna switch around my priorities....I won't allow myself to read UNTIL I write a little bit.

All the cast of characters I've written about previously are all doing well and I'll get some updates written on everyone and some new pictures included.

But that's my short update for now.

Stay tuned....Grammy

1 comment:

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh it's so good to have ya'll back in action once again! Welcome back girlfriend! Thanks for the update and hope to hear more soon.

God bless and have a glorious day!!!