Let's see since October, when I last wrote, there has been: Halloween, Thanksgiving, snow, my half century birthday, a long overdue medical physical, snow, holiday stress, car issues, sock monkeys, more snow, Christmas, medical tests including a colonoscopy, tornadoes, New Year's Eve, a trip to Phoenix, more car problems, being sick, back to work, snow, snow, snow, ice, stuck in the ice and snow, more snow and continual car problems, the P's started a soccer career, Pollyanna's 50th, and now you are pretty much caught up with me!!!
So you want some more details? Let's condense--holidays. Ok Halloween with the P's.

Both Perfect and Precious were Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. Precious so wants to emulate her big brother and no talk of being a princess or even Jessie, the cowgirl, from Toy Story would change her mind. Perfect was going to be Buzz so Precious woul be Buzz.
Thanksgiving was low key. DD had to work and had big Black Friday plans (spreadsheets and all!) and so SIL took the P's to Iowa for a long weekend with extended family on his side of the family. Papa, DD, and I had a low key Thanksgiving with the usual fixings, an afternoon movie, and some last minute help with DD's Black Friday planning.

I finished the weekend at a Stevie Ray Vaughn tribute show with a couple of my elders. Here's Tiny Sun.

Soon after Thanksgiving, the weather changed and winter set in. We had the usual pre-holiday stress, shopping, wrapping, shipping, work functions, holiday dinners, happy hours, decorating....just a lot of work. This year we again focused on the city house for the holiday and didn't put up a tree in the country.
We'd been busy during the Fall weekends with moving and unpacking things from #2 Massey Gardens back to #1 MG until the bad weather hit and the road between the two places got undriveable for the winter. So things slowed down on the weekends and I just didn't want to stress out during my small amount of weekend free time with putting up and then taking down decorations at a second house. That and I fell once again in early December on a Christmas walk in Augusta (the weekend I had planned to decorate) and was sore for some time afterward. Just a plain snow/ice mishap.
Now here I sit in February enjoying my country weekends once again. My books are all unpacked and we are spending weekends watching movies (and ID tv), reading, napping, going into town to eat at the diner pretty often, and over to the Walk for an occasional movie out.
The snow has finally melted but it's pretty much a muddy mess out here right now. It rained earlier today (this was written Saturday, 2/19 actually, just had some delay in proofing and publishing!) as well, so Snoopy and my walks don't look to be happening either any time soon. So
Hope to talk to you......sooner.
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