Wednesday, March 31, 2010

CRUISE--Part Two

So we spent the night catnapping, talking, reading (with reading lights, silly), listening to our ipods and just looking at the dark countryside fly by.

Friday was DD's 30th birthday. Hard to believe that my little baby girl was that old. But she was and did it gracefully!

Yep, Graceful....that's my DD. Somewhere early morning Friday, we stopped at Waffle House to have breakfast. We still had half the journey ahead of us (15+ hours to Orlando where we were stopping for the night and Georgia and Florida are LONNNNGGGG states). We were tired and travelworn already from a long sleepless night and so we went in and sat down and ordered a good breakfast. DD, meanwhile, went over to the Jukebox and filled it up with "breakfast music"....So it's 7ish in some small Georgian town in a Waffle House filled with older folks having a quiet breakfast and here is Skynard blasting out of the jukebox and DD with her hooked horns flying, yelling Freebird. Yep, she's a shy, retiring peach, that one!

The trip otherwise was uneventful, just long. Thinking back I don't even remember stopping for lunch but we arrived at Orlando sometime late afternoon and checked into our hotel. This is where Papa and I were stepping off the family vacation train and hiding out in our room for next 12 hours. DD and SIL were meeting up with some of their friends, our fellow cruisers, to go out on the town and celebrate DD's 30th and another girl's 21st.

Nice new hotel, quiet, comfy beds, huge room, cable tv, everything we needed to R&R quietly before our 8 day vacation began. We popped out to grab some burgers for dinner but otherwise, uneventful and we were both snoozing early, trying to catch up from the night. We're not spring chickens, ya know, and staying up all night can be a bit taxing.

Until tomorrow....

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