And our first glimpse of The Dream.

It was huge, we were terrified and excited all at the same time. SIL dropped us off with all the luggage

LOL! He went and parked the car while we stood and tried to imagine how the four of us would transport all that just a short distance to the front doors.
Thankfully, there were luggage porters about two rows over and they took the majority of luggage off our hands and we entered the front doors to begin the embarkation process.
Got checked in, passed security, had our Sail and Sign cards issued (the most important belonging to any cruise passenger---it's the room key, method of payment, identification on and off the boat--something NOT to lose) and across the gangway we went---all at seemingly breakneck speed because before we knew it, we were on the ship where we dropped out carryon luggage and collapsed. Those cruise people know how to work a process.
We were here!!

Since we couldn't go to our staterooms until after 1:30, we all headed to the above pictured Lido Deck aka the party deck to grab some lunch from one of the buffets and start meeting our other cruisers.
Then it was finally time to find our rooms.
I didn't think to take a picture of our stateroom but the below is an example except for couples, those twin beds were "united" to make a king which is what we had.
We already had had a full day and it was only early afternoon. We unpacked and got a little acclimated with our room and then toured the ship.
That's enough for today,
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