Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I think after Christmas that Easter is my favorite holiday. It might have something to do with the coming of spring. It was also one of my favorite holidays when I was a young girl. I remember getting all dressed up, usually at my Grandmother's house where we would travel to for that weekend. Then she would haul us all to church with her. Then we would come back for a huge Easter dinner (guess the cooking elves did that because Grandmother was with us all morning---another episode of magic from my youth!)

Perfect and Precious in their Easter finest (and woohoo Perfect posed for a picture--or maybe we got a face shot in passing.)

Anyway, after that we would (all the cousins and me) all go to the back yard (called the front yard by everyone (another odd ponderance to discuss at a later time) and hunt the Easter eggs that had been hidden by the Easter Bunny (who else? everyone was in the house eating the big Easter dinner together--or possibly more magic).

Precious...look in front of you, honey!

There you go!

Perfect's got this down pat!

Wait what's wrong with this one?

and before I end this blog, we have a running family joke about this face that I was accused of making all the time. Until I found the picture of DD and FS also making the "family face". Well, lo and behold....

It is all in the family.

Until I get another minute for more catching up.....Grammy

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